Education is Partnership

Lead partner:

InterCollege ApS (Denmark)

Other Partners of the consortium:

  • FGU Hovedstaden (Denmark)
  • FGU Østjylland (Denmark)
  • SC International Internships SRL (Romania)
  • Kocaeli İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü (Turkey)
  • Ida-Virumaa Kutsehariduskeskus (Estonia)
  • Hotel and Tourism Professional School “Akad. Nedelcho Nedelchev” (Bulgaria)
  • Central European Chamber of Commerce (Poland)


Access to education and training for all continues to improve in Europe as a whole. However, ensuring quality mainstream education and training for all remains a challenge for many countries, and a significant educational gap persists. Inequality is increasing and has a negative impact on learning outcomes. There is strong evidence that educational inequalities and students’ socio-economic background are linked. Students from poorer households are three times more likely to perform worse than their wealthier counterparts, and students of migrant background are more than twice as likely to be low achievers as other students.

Although the EU average of early school leavers from education and training decreased since 2008, in some EU countries the number of early dropouts increased.

This call addresses the contribution of education to social inclusion and common values against the background outlined above.

Project Aim and Objectives:

The aim of the project is to boost educational partnerships in the partner countries in order to combat early drop-out of VET students.
The aim will be reached by:
– Transferring best practices developed during the last 40 years with production school in Denmark where education was moved from the school to companies;
– Building capacity of the partner organisations to initiate and manage educational partnerships between schools and local companies.

Target Group:

– Teachers employed at vocational schools in the partner countries;
– VET students at risk of drop-out.