Education for Global Responsibility

“Education for Global Responsibility” is a strategic partnership supported by The EU under the program Erasmus+

Lead partner:

Other Partners of the consortium:

  • InterCollege (Denmark)
  • InterCollege (United Kingdom)
  • Alba Iulia Municipality (Romania)
  • The Croatian United Nations Association (Croatia)
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bulgaria (Bulgaria)
  • Secondary Vocational School of Agriculture and Village Services (Slovenia)
  • Kocaeli Provincial Directorate of National Education (Turkey)
  • Espergærde Gymnasium and HF (Denmark)

Project Summary:

“Education for Global Responsibility” is a cross field Strategic Partnership with a special focus on school education. The strategic Partnership aims mainstreaming GRE in schools and youth NGOs in the partners’ countries.

The need of the Strategic partnership comes from the partners believe that education plays a central role in achieving headline targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy. In particular, the partners see a need of engaging each individual to contribute to the development of communities, countries, and regions as well as of educational systems, able to raise awareness of young citizens
upon the necessity for global understanding, respect and responsibility. More specifically, the partners see a need of Global Responsible Education (GRE), both in formal and non formal sectors and a need of making this concept attractive for educational providers.

Starting from the need of making GRE attractive for educational providers, the partners foresee to develop a certification system and the “Global Responsible” label, awarded to those institutions (schools and youth organizations) that adopt an additional learning curriculum with learning objectives in Global Responsibility, prove motivation and have a clear strategy to promote GRE, as well as adopt specific Global Responsible routines.

In each of the partner countries will be trained coordinators of “Global Responsible” Label, who will be in charge with the administration and assessment of the institutions in connection with their application for certification.


To mainstream GRE in schools and youth NGOs in the partners’ countries


1. By February 2017 to develop a Certification System for secondary schools and NGOs in the partners’ countries that mainstreams GRE in their practices
1.1 To establish at least 7 Global responsibility routines that institutions inquiring the certification system should incorporate in their organizational management;
1.2 To make a research study upon the national curriculum for secondary schools in the 7 participating countries and identify gaps related to GRE
1.3. To develop an additional curriculum  with learning  objectives related to GRE that covers the gaps identified.
1.4 By the end of the project to certify at least 35 institutions (schools and youth NGOs) in the partners’ countries.

2. To build capacity of the partner organizations and other stakeholders reached within the lifetime of the project to provide  GRE  to pupils and young people in their countries
2.1 By  December 2016, to develop a methods-box in GRE as part of the additional curriculum initially developed by the partners;
2.2 By April 2017 to create a network of 28 trainers (teachers and youth workers) in Global Responsibility Education in the partner’s countries, trained at European level;
2.3 By the end of the project, to create a network of 350 trainers (teachers and youth workers) in GRE trained at national level in the partners’ countries.

Results, Impact and Long-Term Results

Throughout the project, the partners will make a research upon their national curriculum in secondary schools and identify the gaps and weak points in connection with GRE. Based on their findings, the partners will develop an additional curriculum (learning objectives) supplying the gaps identified. Furthermore, the partners will develop a methods-box covering various areas in GRE and sustaining the learning objectives established through the additional curriculum.

The methods will be tested on a total number of at least 350 pupils and young people in the partners’ countries.

An international ToT in GRE will be organized with the aim of forming an European Network of 28 trainers in GRE. Following, 14 national trainings in GRE will be organized in order to give teachers and youth leaders in the partners’ countries tools to do GRE with pupils and young people. A total number of at least 350 teachers and youth workers are expected to be reached through the national trainings.

A total number of at least 35 institutions are expected to be certified within the project period. Other at least 150 institutions at European level are expected to be certified within five years after the project completion.

Overall, the global responsibility education will become attractive for educational providers through the certification system created through this project. The formal and non-formal education will in general be enriched and revitalized since a new and innovative methods-box will be developed during the project and have it available for free use for other stakeholders.

Finally the project will local, national and European promote cooperation between formal and non-formal education. The formal  educational institutions will benefit from the experience in inclusive methods that the non-formal sector is good at. In the same time the non-formal educational organisations will be able to strengthen the recognition of the learning activities they provide.

Visit the project website:

