Petrina Ganeva
Educational Background
Petrina holds a bachelor degree in Natural and Cultural Heritage Management from University College of Northern Denmark. The program featured courses on communication planning, storytelling, destination branding and experience economy and was woven with practical assignments and collaborations with local institutions and businesses, among which Hjørring Kommune, Hjørring Grafisk Værksted, Sintex A/S, Nordsøen Oceanarium and others.
Previous Work Experience
Petrina worked in Amsterdam for an innovative art and science hub, called Mediamatic, where she focused on event organizing, tour guiding and sustainable management and development. She was primarily engaged with managing and communicating the Aquaponics system (a symbiotic circular system, that combines conventional aquaculture with hydroponics), contained in a greenhouse adjacent to the main office building of Mediamatic.
At InterCollege Petrina is involved in writing, coordinating, and implementing various donor-funded projects. Within the Erasmus+ sector, Petrina has experience with a wide range of projects – from KA1 youth worker mobilities to different Strategic Partnerships and Capacity Building projects.